Friday 20 August 2010

Sharon Watts

Name: Sharon Watts
Age: 23
Played by: Letitia Dean
Bio: Sharon is a teacher at Red Field. Most of the students like Miss Watts especially girls as she seems to relate to them and is more like a friend than a teacher. She has a "door is always open" policy to each and every one of her students but god help you if you do get on the wrong side of her while she might be the nicest teacher in school she does have a sharp tongue and a witty side to her but she knows where the line begins and where it ends and is always very careful to never overstep it.

Dennis Rickman

Name: Dennis Rickman
Age: 18
Played by: Nigel Harman
Bio: Dennis is a sixth form student at Red Field. He is one of the lads which sometimes can land him in a bit of trouble especially with Miss Watts. Dennis is very popular with the ladies and likes to think of him self as a joker.

Jayden Jackson

Name: Jayden Jackson
Age: 18
Played by: Ryan Thomas
Bio: Jayden is Jake's older brother and the two boys compete over pretty much everything which has got worse as years go on especially since their father left them in the care of their mum Leanne and starting a family with another woman when Jayden was 11, however despite the brotherly competitions with eachother they both have eachothers backs no matter what. Jayden is also Dennis' best friend and right hand man.

Jake Jackson

Name: Jake Jackson
Age: 16
Played by: Adam Thomas
Bio: Jake is Jayden's younger brother. He is the sensitive one and finds it alot harder to deal with his dad's new family than Jayden does because he found out that the day he was born his dad got another girl pregnant meaning he is just 9 months older than half brother Reece. Jake is dating Rianna which makes him feel like he is better than Jayden as Jayden not long split up with his girlfriend. Although Jake is very competitive with Jayden he would do anything for him.

Charlie Mason

Name: Charlie Mason
Age: 39
Played by: Paul Johansson
Bio: Charlie is the new head teacher at Red Field. He comes from America but wanted a change when his wife slept with his brother. He brings with him his son Jamie and daughter Brooke.

Jamie Mason

Name: Jamie Mason
Age: 18
Played by: James Lafferty
Bio: Jamie is Brooke's older brother. Brooke blames him for them both having to go to Red Field school because Jamie wanted to stay with his dad after his mum slept with their uncle. Jamie becomes part of Dennis' gang when he passes some tests

Brooke Mason

Name: Brooke Mason
Age: 16
Played by: Sophia Bush
Bio: Brooke (daughter of Charlie) comes into Red Field reluctantly as a rich girl from America who used to go to private school but now Charlie has landed the role of head teacher at Red Field he wants his kids by his side all the way. Brooke sets her sights on Jayden as soon as she arrives and will do anything to get him even if it means people get hurt.

Ashleigh Rickman

Name: Ashleigh Rickman
Age: 34
Played by: Martine McCutcheon
Ashleigh is mother to Dennis Rickman, she isn't your typical mum, she had Dennis when she was 16 and still knows how to have a good time. Ashleigh sometimes messes up as a parent because she has trouble finding the line between being a friend and being a parent to Dennis. As yet we don't know much about her love life.

Rianna James

Name: Rianna James
Age: 16
Played by: Holly Kenny
Bio: Rianna is Aimee's best friend and Jake's girlfriend she has been pressuring Aimee to sleep with sixth form student Dennis Rickman but what reason would she want her underaged best friend to sleep with an 18 year old.

Aimee Spencer

Name: Aimee Spencer
Age: 15
Played by: Jessica Baglow
Bio: Aimee has a crush on Dennis which is getting everyone worried that she is becoming to obsessed with him. Her best friend Rianna is pressuring her to get with Dennis the only problem is she is only 15.

George Harvey

Name: George Harvey
Age: 41
Played by: Don Gilet
Bio: George is a teacher who has been at Red Field for years and doesn't agree with all the changes going on not least the appointment of Charlie Mason as head but just why does George dislike Charlie so much?

Chuckie Birch

Name: Charles 'Chuckie' Birch
Age: 17
Played by: Charlie G Hawkins
Bio: Charles is a very quiet lad and often picked on by Dennis and his army of followers for what they call fun but deep down Charles is more complexed than he first seems.

Chantel Tidmus

Name: Chantel Tidmus
Age: 27
Played by: Nina Toussaint-White
Bio: Chantel is a private person and something seems to have happened to her over the summer break because she can't stop crying, she is very jumpy when people walk into her classroom and she seems angry but what could have made her act so oddly?

Jordan Reynolds

Name: Jordan Reynolds
Age: 18
Played by: Michaela Mcmanus
Bio: Jordan is Jamie's ex, as yet not much is known about her other than she was engaged to Jamie for a year before she called it off because she was sleeping with her biology teacher

Tommy Reynolds

Name: Tommy "TJ" Reynolds
Age: 4
Played by: Jackson Brundage
Bio: Not much is known about Tommy right now other than that he is Jordan's son and his full name is Tommy James Reynolds (TJ for short)

Lisa Spencer

Name: Lisa Spencer
Age: 37
Played by: Laurie Brett
Bio: Lisa is Aimee's mum, for the last 3 years she has been raising Aimee alone having seperated from Aimee's abusive father Trevor. She lost alot of confidence because of Trevor but she is slowly getting back to the woman she used to be, mainly with Aimee's help

Dr Nikin Zahara

Name: Dr Nikin Zahara
Age: 49
Played by: Nitin Ganatra
Bio: Nikin is a doctor at the local hospital, he is the doctor taking care of Aimee, little is known about his personal life

Kylie Watts

Name: Kylie Watts
Age: 11
Played by: Lorna Fitzgerald
Bio: Kylie is Sharon's little sister who is constantly being let down by her mum and for the last 6 months has been in the care of her Aunt Maria and Uncle Eddie. Kylie is a quiet girl and finds it hard to trust people but when she does she is very loyal.

Maddy Rickman

Name: Maddy Rickman
Age: 11
Played by: Madeline Duggan
Bio: Maddy is Dennis' half sister, she has been living with her dad since he split with mum Ashleigh but when time jumped 3 months she came back to live with Dennis and Ashleigh when her dad couldn't handle her anymore.

Eddie Mitchell

Name: Eddie Mitchell
Age: 47
Played by: Charles Dale
Bio: Eddie is Maria's husband they met in college and have been together ever since (almost - they split for a year). Eddie has recently found out he has cancer but he isn't the type to let that get him down, he is determined to fight it and remain the strong positive man he has always been.

Maria Mitchell

Name: Maria Mitchell
Age: 40
Played by: Amanda Mealing
Bio: Maria is Sharon's aunt, she has had the task of looking after Kylie everytime her sister goes missing but she has had to ask Sharon to take over now her husband Eddie has cancer

Karen Hynd

Name: Karen Hynd
Age: 32
Played by: Rita Simons
Bio: Karen is alot like daughter Taylor so she was completely understanding when Taylor came home one day and announced she was pregnant, her dad wasn't so supportive which caused arguments and now Karen and Craig are in the process of getting divorced.

Taylor Hynd

Name: Taylor Hynd
Age: 15
Played by: Ashley Slanina-Davies
Bio: Taylor is the trouble maker of the family, she drinks, she smokes, she sleeps with anyone infact that is likely what got her into her latest predicament given that she is 8 months pregnant which is the reason Karen is in the process of divorcing her husband Craig

Megan Hynd

Name: Megan Hynd
Age: 11
Played by: Dani Harmer
Bio: Megan is the good one out of Karen's kids, she gets good grades, she has good friends, she does everything Karen tells her too, infact she is the complete opposite of sister Taylor. Megan takes after her father more than her mother.

Daniel Spencer

Name: Daniel Spencer

Age: 2
Played by: Benjamin Beresford
Bio: Daniel is Aimee's baby brother who was the result of his dad Trevor raping his mum Lisa. Lisa left Aimee to look after Daniel for the first 10 months of his life so he has a very close bond with his sister but it remains to be seen how that affects Aimee's life.